Secrets of Mom Search Results

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Help for Haiti- Part 2

It is becoming part of my Sunday morning routine. I read about Haiti in the newspaper and I cry like a close friend died.  And I have awful vivid dreams that I'm a nurse there and I can't do my job as well as I would like, because I'm limited in available resources. I've donated money, which is important and I do encourage everyone who can, to do so. But I want to actually do something. Really, if I did not have young kids, I would be there. I imagine there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way. I found this short list in the newspaper that offered some good suggestions of things that I can do.(For the story that accompanies the photo above click here.)
  • Donate items to Deseret Industries
  • Make humanitarian aid kits
  • Volunteer labor hours at bishops storehouses, welfare farms, canneries or other Welfare Service projects
I can do at least some of these things. I have lots of old baby clothes that are just taking up closet space that someone else could put to better use. DI donations, humanitarian aid kits and  food items canned in LDS Church canneries will go directly to those in need or will be set aside for future need. I don't have tons of money to donate, but I sincerely want to help. I'm certain other people feel the same. And if you don't live in Utah, you can still reach out to those around you in need. Donate to your local food bank, or your local consignment store. If you are looking to help and lift others in need, you can find a way.

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