Secrets of Mom Search Results

Friday, April 16, 2010

Family Dinners are Important

I recently read an article in the newspaper that I thought was worth sharing. After doing research for more than a decade The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University has found that the more often children eat dinner with their families, the less likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs. The center's chairman and president said "If I could wave a magic wand to make a dent in our nation's substance abuse problem, I would make sure that every child in America has dinner with his or her parents at least five times a week." There are other perks of having family meals together. Families that eat together have children who:
  • Eat healthier meals.
  • Are less likely to become overweight or obese.
  • Are more likely to stay away from cigarettes.
  • Are less likely to try alcohol, marijuana or illicit drugs.
  • Are less likely to have friends who abuse prescription drugs.
  • Will get better grades in school.
  • Will talk to their parents more.
  • Will be more likely to tell their parents about serious problems.
  • Will be more likely to feel that their parents are proud of them.
  • Will live in a home where there is less stress and tension
Sitting down for regular meals does more good than soccer and piano combined. And the real secret is "What your kids really want for dinner is you!"

For the complete article go here.


  1. What a great post, Heather! Thanks for the reminder of how important the "little" things are. :)

  2. I love is so true!

    And it's comforting to know that I don't have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off to get them into every sport in the world. I just need to stay home and make dinner...SPEAKING OF DINNER...
