Secrets of Mom Search Results

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Helpful info for Moms who have had bladder issues after childbirth

 A few months ago I was talking with a good friend and I came to the realization that there are a lot of women out there who have been done a disservice by their post-partum nurses and OB-GYN's. She (and many others) have no idea what Kegel exercises are and how they are helpful in getting your body back to normal after childbirth. Perhaps many of my readers are already well-informed about this, but if I'm able to enlighten one woman who wasn't, than my time is well-spent.
 Pregnancy and child birth do a number on a woman's body. In order to grow a healthy child, the muscles get stretched out of place and weakened. The birth process is the most stressful on your body, because that 'not so little' bundle of joy has to fit through a comparatively tiny hole. Sometimes this results in tearing of the skin and muscles in the perineal area. Every woman who has delivered (or will soon deliver) a child should do Kegel exercises, but if you have given birth to large children, had difficult deliveries, had an episiotimy and/or torn during the delivery process, it is especially important that you do these exercises. And if you are pregnant can really decrease the perineal tearing during the delivery process by doing these exercises.
 So what are Kegel exercises anyway? They are exercises discovered by a Dr. Kegel to strengthen the muscles that control urinary flow. You're practicing squeezing and relaxing those muscles. And no one has to know that you're even doing them. There are two ways to determine if you are squeezing the correct muscles.
  1. In the bathroom, stop your urine midstream. The muscles you squeeze to do that are the ones that you need to exercise.
  2. Or lay on the floor and focus on squeezing the muscles around your urethra and anus. If you are squeezing your stomach or bottom muscles, you are squeezing the wrong muscles.
Now that you know exactly which muscles to exercise try this:
  1. Squeeze for 3 seconds and then relax for 3 seconds. If you can't do that, build up to it.
  2. Repeat this 10 to 15 times per session. Try to do this at least 3 times a day. These exercises are only effective if you do them regularly.
If you suffer from stress incontinence (bladder leakage when you laugh or sneeze), try these exercises. Doing these exercises can also help to prevent bladder, bowel and uterine prolapse (where the pelvic muscles are not strong enough to keep the pelvic organs where they belong). If you already have some prolapse it is important that you see a doctor to have it corrected before it gets worse. It is also important that you drink lots of water and get enough fiber so you're not straining in the bathroom and making things worse.

Ok, this part may be a little TMI, but I think it's helpful. I pushed for four hours (wish I were exagerating, but I'm not) with my first child, who came out the wrong way and would not be turned. Afterwards my CNM said "I am totally amazed that you only have a first degree tear." The reason is I had an hour commute to work each way, and every day I did Kegel's on my way to and from work. That was a good 2 (sometimes 3 with traffic) hours of exercise each day four days a week. Thank you nursing instructors who drilled that into me! It made a huge difference. Having strong pelvic muscles before your delivery can prevent a great deal of pain and suffering, and greatly improve your delivery experience.


  1. Those same pelvic floor exercises that you are describing can help with prolapse issues too. It is always worth a try before going to the doctor and having it "fixed". The quick fix may cause life altering side effects that can not be reversed, so how about exercise??? Absolutely no risk associated with that. I would love to refer women to for a great discussion forum.

  2. It is true that these exercises can often help with prolapse issues, but sometimes not. I recommend seeing a doctor because s/he can tell you whether or not exercises are enough or further intervention is necessary. But if ignored the problem can get worse.
